Saturday, February 20, 2010

What am I praying for in the Lutheran Church in Southern Africa?

Some of the issues which are on my mind and need special prayer besides the issues of faithful pastors preaching the gospel truthfully and administering the sacraments according to the institution of Jesus Christ to promote faith when and wherever it so pleases the triune God Father, Son and Holy Spirit:

1. Good cooperation, communication, planning and leadership in the Lutheran Church in Southern Africa at all levels and also with all its partners to go forward with faithful vision for God's mission for the Lutheran Church in Southern Africa - especially with 2017 in mind [500 years Reformation and 50 years LCSA]
1.1  Support of and good cooperation and effective communication in the Church at all levels, but especially with the Church office by the various dioceses and congregations of LCSA.
1.2 Unity amongst the confessional Lutherans in Southern Africa - especially for LCSA, FELSiSA and MLC - and concentrated cooperation in working for a unified strategy to move forward over the next years [short/long term]
1.3 Visions of hope for the Church, faithful stewardship and effectual planning/partnership [koinonia] amongst the confessional Lutherans to move forward united under the promise and help of the triune God.
1.4 Joint Project planning and strategy
1.5 Building team-ministries - like in the Arcadia Lutheran Ministry - where various language groups can function together under one name/roof.
1.6 Joint meetings of church councils, pastors fraternals, congregational councils and the various ministries/services in the congregation: Brass bands, choirs, Youth, Bible study, women's league, Sunday School, works of mercy etc.
1.7 Cooperation in the identification, development, support and maintenance of diaconic projects and programs in all dioceses of the Church [Works of mercy]:
1.7.1 Education and teachers for schooling from pre-school to tertiary levels making use of the previously Lutheran schools especially in Mpumalanga and KwaZulu - like Salem/Wittenberg/Wetterau or Lueneburg/Bergen/Titane/
Bilanyoni or Kirchdorf/Pella
1.7.2 Bursaries/scholarships for children in need to go to school, college and university.
1.7.3 Hospice and frail care plus mortuary and funeral services.
1.7.4 Retirement village e.g. Enhlanhleni
1.7.5 Deaconess program at Seminary and its implementation in the congregations.
1.7.6 Preferential support and development of single women and orphaned children in the Church
1.7.7 Alleviation of  poverty and suffering in the congregations
1.7.8 Health, diet and lifestyle practices
1.7.9 HIV/Aids
1.7.10 Orphanages and buildings projects - like Shongweni
1.7.11 Men's groups and cattle projects - like Ohlangeni

2. Manpower and support
2.1 Enough qualified pastors to serve the congregations of LCSA and raise the means to support them effectively on the long term [Medical Aid, pension besides a regular income] and their continual spiritual guidance and ongoing education/training/development.

3. Outreach and development: Enough qualified Lutheran missionaries and evangelists to reach out to establish new congregations in Southern Africa, so that besides the average 10 congregations per diocese the LCSA can move forward to start, build and sustain new congregations [2?] in the next 5 years. The Church needs to finance these mission projects reaching out beyond its borders to grow substantially.

4. Seminary support with staff, students, finances and cooperation on a regular and sustainable basis.

4.1 Cooperation with the Seminary at congregational, diocesan and church levels
4.1.1 by involving staff at LTS in the Church leadership
4.1.2 and also making room in the LCSA, FELSiSA and MLC for the positive involvement of students at congregational level.

5. Pastoral and devotional literature, sermons, catechetical and confessional helps/means for pastors and congregations. [Language issues]

6. Issues of Church Administration:
6.1 Effective and sustainable public relations: Registration of the Church, maintenance of reliable statistics, establishment of a Church office and center with competent staff.
6.2 Efficient administration at all levels of the Church, dioceses and congregations: Uniform forms, rules & regulations, structures and procedures, visitations.
6.3 Competency training and development of professional service and delivery at all levels of the Church.
6.4 Building and sustaining best practices in fund raising, accounting and stewardship
6.5 Best-fit of personal in the Church. Cooperation of Church, congregation and the candidate in the call process, but also ongoing evaluation, progress and options of change and correction.

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