Monday, September 6, 2010

Klaus von Dohnanyi: "Eine Entlassung Sarrazins sollten wir uns ersparen" - Nachrichten Politik - Deutschland - WELT ONLINE

Klaus von Dohnanyi: "Eine Entlassung Sarrazins sollten wir uns ersparen" - Nachrichten Politik - Deutschland - WELT ONLINE

Duitse herrie oor bankier se uitlatings oor Turke en Arabiere

Duitse herrie oor bankier se uitlatings oor Turke en Arabiere

IziNtshumayelo zokuSebenzelana ekuZwaneni

IziNtshumayelo zokuSebenzelana ekuZwaneni
Intshumayelo ngomkhosi wokubonga ukuvuna, ngomhla ka 05. 09. 2010                     45/2010
                             Egameni likaNkulunkulu onguYise, neNdodana, noMoya oNgcwele.

1.         Iculo 162/10

2.                                 Umkhuleko: Nkulunkulu, Baba wethu osezulwini, siyacela uMoya wakho oNgcwele ukuba asifundise ukukubonga ngendlela efanele. Lokhu sicela egameni loMsindisi wethu uJesu Kristu. Amen.

3.         Iphistola ngohlelo lwesine lilotshiwe ku 1 Thimothewu 4:4-5;
Ivangeli ngohlelo lokuqala lilotshiwe kuLuka 12:13-21.

4.         Isivumo senkolo: Ngiyakholwa nguNkulunkulu uYise ...                            5.Iculo 158/1

6.         Umkhuleko wakhe ofundayo intshumayelo       7. Iphistola ngohlelo lwesibili lilotshiwe
ku-2 kwabaseKorinthe 9:6-15, lithi: "Kepha nakhu: ohlwanyela ingcosana uyakuvuna ingcosana, nohlwanyela kakhulu uyakuvuna kakhulu. Yilowo nalowo anikele njengalokho azikhethele khona enhliziyweni, kungabi ngokudabuka nangokucindezelwa, ngokuba uNkulunkulu uyamthanda onikelayo ethokoza. Kepha uNkulunkulu unamandla okunipha umusa wonke uvame, ukuze kuthi ninokwanela konke ezintweni zonke ngezikhathi zonke, nivame imisebenzi yonke emihle, njengokuba kulotshiwe ukuthi: ‘Wahlaphaza, wapha abampofu; ukulunga kwakhe kuhlala kuze kube phakade.’ Kepha yena onika ohlwanyelayo inhlwanyelo nesinkwa sokudliwa uyakulungisela evise imbewu yenu, andise izithelo zokulunga kwenu, ukuze ezintweni zonke nicetshiswe kukho ukuphana konke okuveza ngathi ukubonga uNkulunkulu. Ngokuba ukukhonza ngalenkonzo akuqedi kuphela ukuswela kwabangcwele, kepha futhi kuvamisa kakhulu ukumbonga uNkulunklu ngabaningi, lokhu ngokuvivinyeka kwalenkonzo badumisa uNkulunkulu ngenxa yokulalela kokuvuma kwenu ivangeli likaKristu nangenxa yobuqotho bobudlelwane benu nabo, yebo, nabo bonke, banilangazelele futhi ngokunikhulekela ngenxa yomusa omkhulu kakhulu kaNkulunkulu okini. Makabongwe uNkulunkulu ngenxa yesipho sakhe esingakhulumekiyo." Amen.

8. Intshumayelo: Bathandekayo eNkosini! “Kuhle ukubonga uJehova!” (IHubo 92,1) Ngempela kunjalo, kuhle ukubonga uNkulunkulu wethu, uMdali noMlondolozi wethu, uBaba wethu osezulwini ngokuba muhle. UNkulunkulu uyasipha imihla ngemihla konke esikuswelayo ekuphileni kwethu. Siyazi ngomusa nangobubele bukaNkulunkulu kithina. Sizwile ngakho, sifundile ngakho, sikwazi ngempela ngothando lwakhe kithina esingabantwana bakhe ngombhapathizo. Ngempela thina esingabakhethiweyo bakaNkulunkulu ngomusa wakhe, silazi ivangeli lakhe, siyalazi ngempela. Izinhliziyo zethu zifanele ukuchichimeka ngokubonga ngokuba siwazi umusa wakhe kithina. UPawulu uyaloba ngokuthi: “Ngokuba niyawazi umusa weNkosi yethu uJesu Kristu ukuthi, nakuba ecebile, waba mpofu ngenxa yenu, ukuze ngobumpofu bakhe nicebe nina.” (2Kor8,9) Bathandekayo eNkosini lomkhosi wokubonga ukuvuna awusiwona umkhosi wokuzibonga thina, noma ukubonga amandla ethu, noma ukusebenza kwethu ngokukhuthala, kungumkhosi wokubonga uNkulunkulu wethu. Uma simbonga uNkulunkulu siyakhumbula njalo umsebenzi wakhe owasenzela thina, ngisho umsebenzi wokusihlenga ekufeni okuphakade, emandleni esono nasemandleni kaSathane. UMsindisi wethu waba mpofu ukuba sicebe thina abampofu ngamagugu ezulu.
Uma sigubha lomkhosi namuhla wokubonga ukuvuna, siyabonga uMdali wethu ngokuba uyasipha okuningi okuhle. Yebo, “uyabapha bonke abantu, nabangalungile, isinkwa semihla nangaphandle kwesicelo sethu” nangaphandle kokubonga kwethu, kepha emkhulekweni weNkosi “siyanxusa ukuba asiqondise lokhu, samukele ngokubonga isinkwa sethu semihla”. Inkinga yethu, inkinga yabantu ingukukhohlwa umusa nothando lukaNkulunkulu kithi. Ngesinye isikhathi siyacabanga ukuthi sikufanele konke esinakho. Siyacabanga ukuthi uNkulunkulu ufanele ukusondla nokusipha konke okuhle. UMdali uyasipha ukuphila, uyasipha konke esikuswelayo ekuphileni kwethu. Kufanele simbonge. Ngomusa kaJesu Kristu sicebile kakhulu. Ngomusa kaJesu Kristu sitholile ukuphila okuphakade, ukuphila embusweni wakhe. Lomusa kaJesu Kristu uyabusa ukuphila, ukuqonda, ukwenza kwethu konke.
Kulelizwi lanamuhla umpostholi uPawulu uyakhuluma nebandla lakhe ngomnikelo: “Ohlwanyela ingcosana uyakuvuna ingcosana, nohlwanyela kakhulu uyakuvuna kakhulu. Yilowo nalowo anikela njengalokho azikhethele khona enhliziyweni, kungabi ngokudabuka nangokucindezelwa, ngokuba uNkulunkulu uyamthanda onikelayo ethokoza.” (2Kor 9,6-7) Umnikelo uyindlela yokubonga uNkulunkulu ngakho konke esikutholayo esandleni sakhe somandla. Ukubonga akufaneli ukuvela ngokushaya noma ngokucindezela. Ukubonga akufaneli ukuba khona ngokuphoqeka. Ukubonga kuvela enhliziyweni, ngenkululeko. Ukubonga kuvela ngokuthokoza, ngothanda. Kuyiqiniso ukuthi siyafundisa abantwana bethu ukuba babonge. Uma bethola ukudla, uma bethola izipho, uma bethola okuhle, siyabafundisa ukuba babonge. Ibhayibheli nekhathekisemu liyasifundisa ngokubonga, ngokuba uma sisengozini, kaningi siyakhohlwa konke okuhle esikutholayo imihla nemihla kuNkulunkulu. Ukubonga kuyisithelo sokukholwa. Nokukunikela kuyisithelo sokukholwa kwethu, ngokuba ngakho siyambonga uNkulunkulu wethu. Ngokunikela siyamdumisa uNkulunkulu. Ngokunikela siyamlalela uNkulunkulu. Ngokunikela siyamkhombisa uthando lwethu kuye onguMdali noMlondi wethu. Ngikhululekile ngomusa wakhe, ungisindisile ngokufa kwakhe, uyangivikela imihla namalanga, uyangipha konke engikuswelayo ekuphileni kwami. Yebo, uyangipha ukuphila okuphakade, ngiyathanda ukumbonga nangomnikelo wami.
Ukubonga uNkulunkulu ngemali yethu kuyisithelo sokukholwa kwethu. Ukukholwa kwethu kuyathela lesisithelo sokunikela. Asithengi lutho kuNkulunkulu ngokunikela kwethu, kodwa siyambonga ngenhliziyo yethu yonke. Lithi izwi lethu: “UNkulunkulu uyamthanda onikelayo ethokoza”. Asiniki umnikelo wethu ngokuba sicindezelwa phansi ngomthetho. Siyanikela ngokubonga, sinikela ngenkululeko, siyanikela ngenhliziyo ebongayo. Ake singamhlambalazi uMdali noMlondi wethu, kodwa simbonge ngendlela elungile. Kumnandi ukubonga uNkulunkulu, kuhle, kufanele. “Kuhle ukumbonga uJehova!” (Ihubo 92,1)
Kuvelaphi lemali noma lomnikelo esinikela ngalo na? Umnikelo wethu uqhamukaphi na? Impendulo siyathola kulelizwi lanamuhla elithi: “Kepha yena onika ohlwanyelayo inhlwanyelo nesinkwa sokudliwa uyakulungisela evise imbewu yenu, andise izithelo zokulunga kwenu, ukuze ezintweni zonke nicetshiwe kukho ukuphana konke okuveza ngathi ukubonga uNkulunkulu.” Konke esinakho kuyavela kuNkulunkulu uBaba wethu osezulwini. Konke esikunikela yena, kungokwakhe ngempela. Asimniki lutho, kodwa yena uyasinika konke. Ngokunikela sandisa umbuso wakhe ukuba ufinyelele nakubo abanye abantu abasemhlabeni. “Ngokuba ukukhonza ngale nkonzo akuqedi kuphela ukuswela kwabangcwele, kepha futhi kuvamisa kakhulu ukumbonga uNkulunkulu ngabaningi, lokhu ngokuvivinyeka kwalenkonzo badumisa uNkulunkulu ngenxa yokulalela kokuvuma kwenu ivangeli likaKristu nangenxa yobuqotho bobudlelwane benu nabo, yebo, nabo bonke, banilangazelele futhi ngokunikhulekela ngenxa yomusa omkhulu kakhulu kaNkulunkulu okini.” Umnikelo wethu uyasiza abangcwele, uyazala ukubonga okukhulu kakhulu nakubo abanye abakholwayo, kuyakhiwa nobuhlelwane phakathi kwethu nabanye abasonta nathi.
Izwi lanamuhla liyagcina ngokubonga, ngokubonga okukhulu kakhulu nangokukhuthaza ibandla ngelizwi elihle elithi: “Makabongwe uNkulunkulu ngenxa yesipho sakhe esingakhulumekiyo.” Thina esingabantu siyaswela amazwi ukubonga uNkulunkulu ngokufanele. Asikwazi. UNkulunkulu makasisize njalo njalo ukuba sifumana amazwi amahle yokumbonga ngendlela efanele. Simbonga ngokucula nangokuhlabelela. Simbonge ngokugida nangokusina. Simbonge ngokushaya izandla nangamacilongo. Simbonge ngomnikelo nangokuzinikela. Simbonge ngakho konke ukuphila kwethu. “Makabongwe uNkulunkulu ngenxa yesipho sakhe esingakhulumekiyo.” Amen.

9.         Umkhuleko: “Mbonge uJehova, mphefumulo wami; konke okuphakathi kwami makubonge igama lakhe elingcwele. Mbonge uJehova, mphefumulo wami, ungakhohlwa imisebenzi yonke yakhe yomusa, yena othethelela zonke izono zakho, owelapha zonke izifo zakho; okhulula ukuphila kwakho ekubhujisweni, okuqhelisa ngomusa nangobubele; osuthisa ukulangazela kwakho ngokuhle, ubusha bakho bubuyiswe njengokhozi.” Amen.

. Umkhuleko weNkosi: Baba wethu osezulwini ...

10. Iculo 171/314

Ukuthula kukaNkulunkulu odlula ukuqonda konke makulondoloze izinhliziyo zethu nemicabango yethu kuKristu  Jesu, iNkosi noMsindisi wethu. Amen.
                                                                                   Lentshumayelo ilotshiwe ngo-2010 ngu-P. C. Weber.
       Ukucindezelwa nokuthunywa kwezintshumayelo kuyasekelwa yinhlangano ethiwa: Lutheran Heritage Foundation.

Dithero tsa Tirelano mo Kutlwanong

Dithero tsa Tirelano mo Kutlwanong
Thero ka moletlo wa go lebogela thobo, e le ka 05. 09. 2010                                                                   45/2010
Mo leineng la Modimo o e leng Rara le Morwa le Mowa o o Boitshepo!

1.            Sefela sa 360 - 330/341

2.            Thapelo: Modimo, Rara wa rona yo o kwa legodimong, re a kopa Mowa o o Boitshepo wa gago gore o re rute go go leboga ka tshwanelo. Re kopa jalo mo leineng la Mopholosi wa rona, Jesu Keresete. Amen.

3.            Epistolo ka fa thulaganyong ya 4 e kwadilwe mo go 1 Timotheo 4:4-5;
Efangele ka fa thulaganyong ya 1 e kwadilwe mo go Luka 12:13-21.

4.            A go ipolelwe tumelo ya bokeresete!                                                                     5. Sefela sa 13 -13/14
6.            Thapelo ya mmadi wa thero.                          7. Epistolo ka fa thulaganyong ya 2 e kwadilwe mo go
2 Bakorinthe 9:6-15, e re: "Mme akanyang tse: Yo o jwalang go le gonnye le gona o tla roba go le gonnye; mme yo o jwalang go le gontsi le gona o tla kotula go le gontsi. A mongwe le mongwe a abe ka fa a ikaeletseng ka teng mo pelong, e seng ka bohutsana gongwe ka go patelediwa; gonne Modimo o rata yo o nayang ka boitumelo. Mme Modimo o nonofile go lo atisetsa neo nngwe le nngwe ya bopelotlhomogi, gore lo nne le tsotlhe tse di lekanyeng ntlheng tsotlhe ka gale, le letlotlo la go ka dira tiro nngwe le nngwe e e molemo; jaaka go kwadilwe ga twe: 'O gasitse, a fa bahumanegi; tshiamo ya gagwe e nna ka bosakhutleng.' Mme yo o nayang mojwadi peo le senkgwe sa go jewa, le lona o tla lo naya peo ya lona, a e atisa, a ba a godisa maungo a tshiamo ya lona, gore lo hume dilo tsotlhe go ka dira tiro nngwe le nngwe ya lorato e e direlang Modimo tebogo ka rona. Gonne tirelo ya go thusa jalo ga e tlatse go tlhoka ga baitshepi fela, mme e bile e atile ka malebogo a mantsi mo Modimong; gonne boikanyego jwa lona jo bo itshupang ka tirelo eo bo dira gore ba galaletse Modimo ka ntlha ya maipolelo a lona a go utlwa Efangele ya ga Keresete le ka ntlha ya nnete ya go kopana nabo le botlhe. Mme le bone ba tla lo rapelela, ka ba lo tlhologeletswe ka ntlha ya bopelotlhomogi jwa Modimo jo bogolo mo go fetisang mo go lona. Mme Modimo a o lebogelwe neo ya ona e e fetang go ka bolelwa!" Amen.

8. Thero: Barategi mo Moreneng, go monate go leboga MORENA, Pes. 92:1. Ke nnete go ntse jalo, go monate go leboga Modimo wa rona, yo e leng Motlhodi le Mmoloki wa rona, le Rara wa rona mo legodimong, gonne o molemo. Modimo o re abela ka metlha tsotlhe tse re di tlhokang mo botshelong jwa rona. Re a itse, fa o re direla tsotlhe tseo ka bopelotlhomogi le ka bopelonomi jwa ona. Re utlwile ka tseo, re ithutile ka tseo, re di itse tota ka lorato lwa ona lwa go re rata ba re leng batho ba ona ka kolobetso. Tota re ba ba tlhophilweng ke ona ka bopelotlhomogi jwa ona mo go Keresete. Re itse Efangele ya ona, re le itse tota. Dipelo tsa rona di tshwanetse go penologa ka tebogo, gonne re itse bopelotlhomogi jo o re utlwelang botlhoko ka jona. Paulo a kwala, a re: Gonne lo itse bopelotlhomogi jwa Morena wa rona Jesu gore le fa a ne a humile, o ne a humanega ka ntlha ya lona gore lo hume ka khumanego ya gagwe, 2 Kor. 8:9. Barategi mo Moreneng, moletlo ono wa go lebogela thobo ga se moletlo wa gore re ikgalaletse, gongwe go godisa thata ya rona, le e seng go tlotlomatsa go bereka ga rona ka tlhoafalo. Ke moletlo wa go leboga Modimo wa rona. Fa re o leboga, re gopola ka metlha tiro ya ona e o e re diretseng, ke raya tiro ya go re golola mo losong lo lo sa khutleng, le mo kgolegelong ya boleo, le mo thateng ya ga Satane. Mopholosi wa rona o ne a humanega gore re hume, rona ba re leng bahumanegi ba ba tlhomolanga pelo, gore re hume ka dikhumo tsa legodimo.

Fa re dira moletlo wa go lebogela thobo, re leboga Modiri wa rona, gonne o re abela tse dintsi.tse di molemo. Ke nnete. O abela batho botlhe le ba ba sa siamang tse di molemo, senkgwe sa letsatsi le letsatsi, le fa ba sa rapele, le fa ba sa leboge, mme mo thapelong ya Morena re a kopa gore a re lemose gore ke ene yo o di re abelang, re tle re di amogele ka tebogo, ke raya le sejo sa letsatsi. Se re tshwenngwang ka sona, le se se tshwenyang batho botlhe ke go lebala bopelotlhomogi le lorato lwa Modimo, lo o re ratang ka lona. Ka nako e nngwe re a gopola gore Modimo o tshwanetse go re abela tse re di tlhokang. Re a gopola gore ke tshwanelo ya Modimo gore o re otle, le go re fa tse di molemo. Motlhodi wa rona o re abela botshelo, o re naya tse re di tlhokang mo botshelong jwa rona. Ke tshwanelo ya rona gore re mo leboge. Ka bopelotlhomogi jwa ga Jesu Keresete re humile thata. Ka bopelotlhomogi jwa ga Jesu Keresete re abetswe botshelo jo bo sa khutleng, jo e leng botshelo jwa go tshela mo pusong ya gagwe. Bopelotlhomogi jo jwa ga Jesu Keresete bo okamela botshelo jwa rona, dikakanyo le ditiro tsa rona.

Mo lokwalong le Lefoko la thero ya kajeno le ntshitsweng mo go lona moapostolo Paulo o bua le phuthego ya gagwe ka ga dikabelo, a re: “Mme akanyang tse: Yo o jwalang go le gonnye le gona o tla roba go le gonnye; mme yo o jwalang go le gontsi le gona o tla kotula go le gontsi. A mongwe le mongwe a abe ka fa a ikaeletseng ka teng mo pelong, e seng ka bohutsana gongwe ka go patelediwa; gonne Modimo o rata yo o nayang ka boitumelo, 2 Kor. 9:6-7. Koleke, gongwe kabelo mo phuthegong ke tsela e ntle go leboga Modimo ka ntlha ya tsotlhe tse re di amogelang mo diatleng tsa ona, o e leng Mong-wa-thata-tsotlhe. Tebogo ga e a tshwanela go tlhaga ka go bediwa, gongwe ka go patelediwa. Tebogo ga e a tshwanela go tlhaga ka go gatelelwa fa fatshe. Tebogo ya nnete e tlhaga mo pelong ka kgololesego. Tebogo e tlhaga mo pelong e e itumelelang Morena yo montle wa rona ka go mo rata. Ke nnete re ruta bana ba rona go amogela se ba se abelwang ka diatla tse pedi, ka go leboga. Beibele le Kategisima di re ruta go leboga, gonne mo dikotsing  le mo ditlalelong re lebala ka pele go lebogela tse di molemo tse re di amogelang mo Modimong ka metlha. Tebogo ke leungo lengwe la tumelo. Le dikabelo tsa rona tota-tota ke maungo a tumelo, gonne ka tsona re leboga Modimo wa rona. Ka dikabelo re galaletsa Modimo, Ka go ntsha dikabelo re supa gore re utlwa Modimo. Ka dikabelo re supa gore re rata yo e leng Motlhodi le Mmoloki wa rona. Re gololesegile ka bopelotlhomogi jwa gagwe, o re pholositse ka loso lwa gagwe, o re femela ka malatsi otlhe, o re naya tse re di tlhokang ka malatsi otlhe mo botshelong jwa rona. Ke nnete, o re abela botshelo jo bo sa khutleng. Ka moo ke rata go mo leboga ka dikabelo tsa me.

Go leboga Modimo ka madi a rona ke leungo lengwe la tumelo ya rona. Tumelo ya rona e ungwa leungo le la go abela dikoleke. Ga re leke go reka sepe mo Modimong ka dikabelo tsa rona, mme re o leboga ka tsona ka pelo yotlhe ya rona. Lefoko le re: Modimo o rata yo o nayang ka boitumelo. Ga re abele dikoleke tsa rona ka ntlha ya go patelediwa ka thata ya molao mongwe. Re ntsha dikabelo ka go leboga, re ntsha dikabelo ka go rapela, re ntsha dikabelo ka pelo e e lebogang, e e dumisang Modimo. A re se ka ra nyatsa Motlhodi le Mmoloki wa rona ka go leka go ithuanya el ene ka dikabelo tsa rona, mme re mo leboge ka tsela e e siameng. Go monate go leboga Modimo, go molemo, ke tshwanelo. Go monate go leboga Morena, Pes. 92:1.

Madi a e leng dikabelo tsa rona a tswa kae? Dikabelo tseo tsa rona di tlhaga kae? Karabo e e bona mo Lefokong la thero ya kajeno, le le reng: Mme yo o nayang mojwadi peo le senkgwe sa go jewa, le lona o tla lo naya peo ya lona, a e atisa, a ba a godisa maungo a tshiamo ya lona, gore lo hume dilo tsotlhe go ka dira tiro nngwe le nngwe ya lorato e e direlang Modimo tebogo ka rona. Tsotlhe tse re nang natso di tswa mo Modimong, mo go Raraetsho yo o mo legodimong. Tsotlhe tse re di ntshang go nna kabelo ke tsa ona tota. Ga se rona ba re o neelang, mme ke ona o o re nayang tsotlhe. Ka dikabelo re thusa gore puso ya ona e atisiwe gore e gorosiwe le mo bathong ba bangwe mo lefatsheng. Gonne tirelo ya go thusa jalo ga e tlatse go tlhoka ga baitshepi fela, mme e bile e atile ka malebogo a mantsi mo Modimong; gonne boikanyego jwa lona jo bo itshupang ka tirelo eo bo dira gore ba galaletse Modimo ka ntlha ya maipolelo a lona a go utlwa Efangele ya ga Keresete le ka ntlha ya nnete ya go kopana nabo le botlhe. Mme le bone ba tla lo rapelela, ka ba lo tlhologeletswe ka ntlha ya bopelotlhomogi jwa Modimo jo bogolo mo go fetisang mo go lona. Kabelo ya rona e thusa baitshepi, e tsala tebogo e kgolo thata le mo badumeding ba bangwe, go agiwa bojelwane fa gare ga rona le ba bangwe ba ba tsenang kereke mmogo le rona.

Lefoko la thero ya kajeno le khutla ka go leboga, ka go leboga thata, le go tsoseletsa phuthego ka Lefoko le lentle le le reng: Mme Modimo a o lebogelwe neo ya ona e e fetang go ka bolelwa!" Re tlhoka mafoko a a re tsoseletsang go leboga Modimo ka tshwanelo. Ga re kgone go leboga Modimo ka fa o ratang gore re o leboge ka teng. A Modimo o re thuse ka metlha gore re bue mafoko a mantle go o leboga ka tshwanelo. A re o lebogeng ka go opela le ka go sina, re o leboge ka go opa diatla le ka diphala. Re o leboge ka dikabelo le ka boineelo. Re o leboge ka botshelo jotlhe jwa rona. Modimo a o lebogelwe neo ya ona e e fetang go ka bolelwa! Amen.

9.            Thapelo: Baka MORENA, mowa wa me, le tsotlhe tse di mo teng ga me, bakang leina la gagwe le le boitshepo! Baka MORENA, mowa wa me; se lebale sepe sa ditiro tse di molemo tsa gagwe! O itshwarela maleo a gago otlhe, O golola botshelo jwa gago mo tshenyegong, o go rwesa bopelotlhomogi le mautlwelobotlhoko mo tlhogong. O go kgorisa tse di molemo gore o busediwe bokaung jaaka ntsu. Amen.
Thapelo ya Morena: Rara wa rona yo o mo legodimong ...

10.          Sefela sa 5 - 5/5

A kagiso ya Modimo e e fetang tlhaloganyo yotlhe e boloke dipelo tsa rona le maikutlo a rona mo go Keresete Jesu, Morena, Morepholosi. Amen.
                                                                                                                               Thero eno e kwadilwe ke P. C. Weber, ka ngwaga wa 2010
Kgatiso le go rongwa ga dithero tseo go tshegediwa ke kopano e e bidiwang The Lutheran Heritage Foundation.

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Free sheet music : Buxtehude, Dieterich - Von Gott will ich nicht lassen pour 2 Trompettes, 1 Trombone et 1 Tuba. (Wind ensemble)

Free sheet music : Buxtehude, Dieterich - Von Gott will ich nicht lassen pour 2 Trompettes, 1 Trombone et 1 Tuba. (Wind ensemble)

Von Gott will ich nicht lassen ... EG 365

Von Gott will ich nicht laßen
Denn er läßt nicht von mir,
Führt mich auf rechter Straßen,
Da ich sonst irrte sehr,
Reichet mir seine Hand.
Den Abend wie den Morgen
Tut er mich wohl versorgen,
Sei, wo ich woll', im Land.
I shall not abandon God
For he does not abandon me,
he leads me on the right way,
where I would otherwise go far astray,
he reaches out his hand to me.
Morning and evening
he takes good care of me
wherever I may be.
Wenn sich der Menschen Hulde
Und Wohltat all' verkehrt,
So find't sich Gott gar balde,
Sein' Macht und Gnad' bewährt,
Hilfet aus aller Not,
Errett't von Sünd' und Schanden,
Von Ketten und von Banden,
Und wenn's auch wär' der Tod.
When human support and help
are completely ineffective,
then God is soon found,
His power and grace prove their worth,
he helps us in all distress,
He rescues us from sin and shame,
from chains and from bonds
and even from death.
Auf ihn will ich vertrauen
In meiner schweren Zeit;
Es kann mich nicht gereuen,
Er wendet alles Leid.
Ihm sei es heimgestellt;
Mein Leib, mein' Seel', mein Leben
Sei Gott dem Herrn ergeben,
Er mach's, wie's ihm gefällt!
In him I shall place my trust
in my time of difficulty,
I can never regret doing so,
he transforms all suffering.
Let it be entrusted to him;
may my body, my soul, my life
be given to the Lord our God,
may he do as pleases him..
Lobt ihn mit Herz und Munde,
Welch's er uns beides schenkt!
Das ist ein' sel'ge Stunde,
Darin man sein gedenkt.
Sonst verdirbt alle Zeit,
Die wir zubring'n auf Erden;
Wir sollen selig werden
Und bleib'n in Ewigkeit.
Praise him with heart and mouth
-both of which he gave us!
It is a blessed hour
when we think of him.
Otherwise all the time is wasted
which we spend on the earth
we shall become blessed
and remain so in the tendency
Mag uns die Welt entgehen
Mit ihrer stolzen Pracht,
Nicht Ruhm, nicht Gut bestehen,
Die einst wir groß geacht't,
Mag man uns nach dem Tod
Tief in die Erd' begraben:
Wenn wir geschlafen haben,
Wird uns erwecken Gott.
The world may vanish for us
with its proud splendour,
neither glory or possessions may last,
what we once considered important
may for us after our death
be buried deep in the earth:
if we are fallen asleep,
God will awaken us.
Darum, ob ich schon dulde
Hier Widerwärtigkeit,
Wie ich's auch wohl verschulde,
Kommt doch die Ewigkeit,
Die aller Freuden voll;
Dieselb' ohn' alles Ende,
Dieweil ich Christum kenne,
Mir widerfahren soll.
Therefore,even if I endure
unpleasantness here,
as I have well deserved,
yet eternity is coming
filled with all joy;
this for ever
will befall me
while I acknowledge Christ.

14. Sunday after Trinity: Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, (Psa 103:2 ESV)

Old Testament reading from Genesis chapter 28:
10 Jacob left Beersheba and went toward Haran.
 11 And he came to a certain place and stayed there that night, because the sun had set. Taking one of the stones of the place, he put it under his head and lay down in that place to sleep.
 12 And he dreamed, and behold, there was a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven. And behold, the angels of God were ascending and descending on it!
 13 And behold, the LORD stood above it and said, "I am the LORD, the God of Abraham your father and the God of Isaac. The land on which you lie I will give to you and to your offspring.
 14 Your offspring shall be like the dust of the earth, and you shall spread abroad to the west and to the east and to the north and to the south, and in you and your offspring shall all the families of the earth be blessed.
 15 Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land. For I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you."
 16 Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, "Surely the LORD is in this place, and I did not know it."
 17 And he was afraid and said, "How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven."
 18 So early in the morning Jacob took the stone that he had put under his head and set it up for a pillar and poured oil on the top of it.
 19 He called the name of that place Bethel

Epistle from St. Paul's letter to the Romans in the 8th chapter:
12 So then, brothers, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh.
 13 For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.
 14 For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.
 15 For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, "Abba! Father!"
 16 The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God,
 17 and if children, then heirs--heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him.
 18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ by St. Luke in the 17th chapter: 

11 On the way to Jerusalem he was passing along between Samaria and Galilee.
 12 And as he entered a village, he was met by ten lepers, who stood at a distance
 13 and lifted up their voices, saying, "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us."
 14 When he saw them he said to them, "Go and show yourselves to the priests." And as they went they were cleansed.
 15 Then one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, praising God with a loud voice;
 16 and he fell on his face at Jesus' feet, giving him thanks. Now he was a Samaritan.
 17 Then Jesus answered, "Were not ten cleansed? Where are the nine?
 18 Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?"
 19 And he said to him, "Rise and go your way; your faith has made you well."

Schatzkammern des Wissens: Künstliches Gedächtnis - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Netzwelt

Schatzkammern des Wissens: Künstliches Gedächtnis - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Netzwelt

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Missionfestival at St. Pauls

Tomorrow Missiondirector Roger Zieger of the Lutheran Church Mission [LKM - Bleckmar - SELK/Germany] is the preacher at St. Paul. He was at the pastor's convention at Cyara too and the day before yesterday we were at the first joint sitting of the LCSA and MLC in Randburg, Gauteng together. He has a helpful background in mission work himself, being very active in the Berlin area. However he also is an expert on restructuring and streamlining congregations, districts and their ministries. I hope we can continue to cooperate successfully in the realm of visitations and also in other practical areas of mission, outreach and evangelization.

Pastors convention at Cyara

In this week we had the first Pastor's convention under my directions. It went off ok - even if the program was quite tight and pretty busy all along. Prof. Pless did three lectures on Visitation, Catechism for preaching and also as tool for visitation. There were a number of takes on History and how we deal with it [Klaen, Kriel, Jeaneratte, Ntsimane]. Teresa Conradie spoke on the registration process, Ruben Dlamini on the Special Fund and myself on the LCSA visitation process. Sadly the Mpumalanga diocese stood out by their absence. Otherwise the attendance was good, even though it was expected of pastors to pay their way and also their stay. Thus the LCSA saved some money. Thanks to the support of SID and also of the LTS in Tshwane. A highlight was the recognition of the old pastors [Lubede, Gule, Ndwalane and Weber] on Wednesday evening. 

It's spring in Murrayfield and old leaves are falling off ...

Another week is history. Winter is past, Spring is here and with it warm, sunny days in Murrayfield. Writing with the door wide open. Biene is guarding the entrance even when she's asleep and I love the water cascading into the pool and Christoph doing the dishes in the background, while Friederike is tuned into the news on ARD.
Yesterday brother Peter left for Germany. Brother Christoph left for home this morning even before I got back from the farmers market. Brother Gerrie is expected to visit tomorrow afternoon. I took back Klaen/Pless to the airport this afternoon. They were here seven and three weeks respectively. Let's see how that goes on in the coming year. Eliot Sithole is not to return in another four years. Looks like we are in somewhat of a narrow straight for some time to come.
The witstinkhout is green as is the wild red plum tree. The lawn needs attention once again and the pool is starting to look and feel inviting.

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